MIGS (Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery) | Dr. Toller


The newest type of glaucoma surgery is called MIGS or Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery. This type of surgery has been quickly evolving and gaining popularity for about the past 10 years. I like to think of this surgery as similar to what we call endoscopic surgery. An example would be that of having your appendix or […]

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What is a Cataract? | Dr. Risch


What is a cataract? This is a question I answer almost every day, but this may be my first time to answer this question in written form. We are all born with a clear lens in each eye. This lens is part of the focusing mechanism of the eye. The eye gets about 1/3 of […]

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Safety Eyewear | Dr. Langston

Eye Safety, Uncategorized

For the past several months we’ve been posting information about different facets of eye care that is useful and informative to friends and followers of The Eye Center. Today, I’d like to provide some information about safety eyewear. In the work environment, employers are responsible for the safety of employees. This obviously includes eye safety. […]

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Myopia Control | Dr. Morris

Common Eye Conditions

Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness. Myopia control is a relatively new concept of slowing the increase of nearsightedness that many children and young adults experience. Nearsightedness occurs when the eyeball grows too long, which causes light to focus in front of the retina rather than directly on it. This results in blurred distance […]

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What a Dry Eye Exam Looks Like | Dr. Shaver

Dry Eye, Eye Exams

When The Eye Center began a Dry Eye Clinic and began performing Advanced Dry Eye exams in 2012, it was a bit of a surprise to much of our staff and patients because most people assume that dry eye is one of the conditions covered in a routine exam. Because a routine involves checking all […]

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Meet Dr. Langston

The Eye Center News

I’m Andy Langston, one of the optometrists at The Eye Center.  We’re reaching out to friends and followers to tell you a little about ourselves and our clinic. I’m very happy to be a part of our Team here. I’m a native Arkansan from Salem, Arkansas.  There are actually three communities in Arkansas named Salem.  […]

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Contact Lenses for Sports | Dr. Taylor


I remember talking to one of my best friends in optometry school about hitting. He was a division one baseball player and was explaining to me what it was like trying to hit a 90mph fastball. In summary, it’s hard. But the funny thing to us as optometrists, was him talking about trying to hit […]

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Glaucoma Surgery | Dr. Toller


Surgery for glaucoma is always the last resort. It usually means we have tried all forms of medication and other non-invasive methods to control eye pressure and nothing has been successful. Glaucoma surgery, while successful, also comes with risks. These risks can range from mild to severe. The common risks associated with all surgeries such […]

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