Causes of Dry Eyes | Dr. Shaver

Dry Eye

Age. As we age, eyelids loosen and tear, and oil production decreases which will add to dry eye symptoms and often worsen over time. Numerous dry eye therapies can help alleviate these natural changes. Contact lenses tend to soak up tears along with other substances which include allergens and particles that can irritate the surface […]

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Diabetes & Diabetic Retinopathy: Prevention, Control, and Reversal © | Dr. Brown


Diabetic retinopathy is a terrible disease causing blindness. It is slowed by exercise, tight blood sugar control, tight blood pressure control, fibrates, certain vitamins, and anti-VEGF intraocular injections. Diabetes also causes problems like heart disease, stroke, leg and foot amputations, and early death. Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy can be prevented, slowed, and even reversed if […]

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The Importance of Eye Exams for Children | Dr. Taylor

Eye Exams

Little girl with hand over her eye

A common question I get from parents at our practice is, “when should I bring my child in for an eye exam?” It’s an important question for parents to consider. It can be difficult for parents to spot a problem in their child’s ocular health, without obvious issues that would bring them in. The American […]

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Meet Dr. Shaver

The Eye Center News

Man on a mountain bike

Hello, my name is Jonathan Shaver and I am an optometrist here at The Eye Center in Fayetteville where I’ve been practicing since 2007. I was born and raised in southern Arkansas in Magnolia, home to Southern Arkansas University. I graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a biology and a psychology […]

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Meet Dr. Taylor

The Eye Center News

Dr. Taylor

Hello! I’m Brad Taylor and I am one of the Optometrists at The Eye Center. I look forward to meeting you and working together at our clinic! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself, being one of the newest members of the Team, so that you can get to know me a bit […]

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Optical Technology | Dr. Morris


Eyeglasses on shelf display

Are you bothered by glare and reflections, especially when driving at night or while working on a computer?  Anti-glare lenses may be just what you need! Anti-glare or anti-reflective coatings can eliminate reflections from the front and back surfaces of eyeglass lenses. This technology can improve visual acuity, reduce eye strain and make your eyeglasses […]

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Glaucoma | Dr. Toller


Older man using eye drops

Glaucoma is not a single disease, but more of a collection of disorders that cause damage to the optic nerve. This damage causes vision loss and blindness. This damage can be caused quickly or slowly over time. Usually, we think of elevated ocular pressure with glaucoma, but there are instances when ocular pressure is normal […]

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How to Disinfect Your Glasses and Help Prevent COVID



Your Glasses and COVID-19 Viruses, as well as bacteria, are easily spread from our surroundings to our hands, and then from our hands to our glasses (including our lenses and frame).  By touching our glasses and then our eyes, nose, and mouth, we are then potentially transferring these viruses to ourselves.   In fact, research has […]

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Meet Dr. Toller

The Eye Center News

Man with dogs in front of a giant bird wearing sunglasses statue

Hi there, my name is Kevin Toller. I joined The Eye Center in September 2019. Don’t let that worry you, I’ve been working with eyes and vision since 1995. I wanted to give you a little information to get to know me a little better. I grew up in Bartlesville, OK, and then became a […]

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Types of Contact Lenses | Dr. Morris


Womans finger with contact lens

Contact Lenses have come a long way since their invention in 1887.  Today, almost everyone who needs vision correction is able to be fit in contact lenses.  When your contact lens fitting is done at The Eye Center the first thing we will decide is which lens material is most appropriate for you.  Soft lenses […]

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